This website is for your reference only.
In compliance with the general data protection register,this privacy policy tells you how we handle any personal information collected from you,why it is obtained and what we use it for.It details how you can access the information that is stored and request to have it deleted.
Client record cards :- I am required for insurance purposes,to keep a full and updated record of each client that attends an appointment with me for 7 years from their last visit.This record includes name address and phone number,details of your GP,any medical conditions you currently have or have had within the last 5 years,medications you are taking and any allergies you have.We also keep information that may effect your treatment.
We also record on your record card the treatment you received and the date it was.
All this information is needed to allow us to provide a safe and professional service including the correct aftercare.
we do not ask for an email address but you may leave one if you wish .
At no time will any of the above information be shared with anyone ( other than a healthcare professional in an emergency)
All record cards are stored under lock and key and I do not store personal details on a computer.
You may view your records at any time you wish or ask for them to be deleted at anytime.
When taking telephone appointments I will take your full name and number so we can call you only in relation to any appointments that we need to booked or to cancel or confirm.
By calling and leaving your details or attending and completing our record/consultation cards you are agreeing to our privacy policy.
Please call me for any further questions regarding his privacy policy.
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