Using heat I can cauterise, coagulate or dessicate unwanted skin blemishes. Why not book your free no obligation consultation to have your blemish assesed to see if can be removed. I have 15 years experience and I’m level 5 qualified. You can book a free consultation by tapping book now from the home page.
Soft bobbly growths of skin, they can in vary size from small to over an inch wide, they can be smooth waxy or rough In texture.
Their colour can vary from flesh, tan, black or brown.
Tags are often located on the face neck back and chest , but can be found anywhere.
The cause is unknown, but they are thought to be related to genetics, friction areas , sun
I can usually remove 1-3 in a session according to size.
Why not book a free consultation to discuss the possibility of further treatment.
Seb Ks are benign ( non cancerous) skin growths that appear like waxy or wart like spots.
They are very common especially in older adults, and are not contagious.
While they are harmless they can sometimes itchy or irritated, they can also be unsightly and continue to grow.
They can easily treated leaving no or very little marks.
Book your free consultation to discuss a treatment plan ( no commitment).
Small to medium hard white or yellowish bumps that appear on the skin.
They are very common and can occur at any age.
These harmless are hard to remove yourself and can hang around for years.
Most commonly found around the eyes, nose, and chin although they can also appear on the forehead or body.
Milia occur when dead skin cells become trapped under the skin, not to be confused with acne or sp
They can be treated quickly and easily for you.
Often quite a lot can be treated in in one session.
usually multiple 1-5 mm diameter, smooth, firm, black or darkbrown papules on the face or neck.
A benign skin condition that appears as small, dark,bumps on the skin.
It most common in people with darker skin tones.
The exact cause is unk, but is thought to be related to genetics and sun exposure.
They may itch and irritate ,the DPN can be easily trea. A few can usually be remove in one session.
Please book for a consultation as a patch test is advisable unless you have had previous treatments.
This is a common benign condition that causes small raised bumps to appear on the skin , mainly on the forehead nose and cheeks.
It is common in adults over the age of 40 and an overgrowth of the sebaceous gland and have a donut appearance.
Can be greatly reduced with treatment.
Moles are also known as nevi , are common skin growths that appear as small bumps.
They are usually brown or black but can also be tan,pink or skin tone.
They are clusters of pigment cells.
I am only able to treat moles that are 6 mm or less.
You must have a doctors approval to have a small mole removed / reduced.
Yellowish plaques that appear on or around the eyelids ( top and / or bottom).
They are caused by deposits of cholesterol under the skin.
While not harmful, they can be a cosmetic concern for some .
Xanthelasma is more common in people with high cholesterol levels, or a family with a history of high cholesterol.
It is also sometimes linked to certain medical
These can be gently reduced but they will usually need more than one treatment and can return.
However treatment is often very successful.
A soft squidgy area, we can reduce the cyst by drying its content.
Sometimes the contents can be extracted and the cyst reduced.
I over reduction only.
A cyst is a small sac that will need to be surgically removed to ensure they do not return.
Small flesh coloured or pigmented blemishes. Smoth flat top bumps and often a bit dry.
Flat and usually found on the décolleté in a group.
They are caused by the human papillomavirus and they are contagious.
Commonly found in children and teenagers, people with a weakened immune system or can be caught from someone who is infected and there’s close contact.
Harmless small tumours in the sweat glands, yellowish or flesh coloured.
1-3 mm usually found in clusters by the eyes but can be found elsewhere armpits, abdomen and chest.
They are an overgrowth of cells in the sweat glands.
Syringomas are more common in women, and families with a history of them.
These are long thin warts with thin finger like projections.
They typically appear on the face especially around the mouth and eyes.
Shaved areas often have them also.
They are contagious so can be spread , they can be removed with electrocautery.
Using diathermy/ heat these blemishes are easily treatable.
Tiny red enlarged blood cappilaries that run close to the surface of the skin that have became enlarged, they can cause a reddening of the complexion or just be unsightly .
Harmless but easily removed. red veins are very common and are caused by weakening or damage in our tiny capillaries which cause them to enlarge and become visible.
They have many causes ,age, medication, alcohol, heat extremes are just a few.
Treated with diathermy they can be greatly reduced.
Book a free consultation to fi
Red dots in various sizes, if they are small we can remove quite a few in one session. If larger just one or two.
Litterally looks like a red spider a central body with threat vein legs.
Both blood spots and spider veins can be treated in the same way as thread veins.
We use heat to destroy warts and verrucae . They may need more than one treatment, this can cause discomfort whilst healing.
Small rough viral growths.
Uses cryotherapy and / or diathermy may need more than one treatment maybe 2-3.
Also known as plantar warts,can be uncomfortable . The can last for years.
Using cryotherapy ( freezing)
This will usually need at least two treatments.
A full and in depth consultation will be given always before any skin blemish can be removed . A doctors approval may be required.